Which is right for me?
There are obviously a whole range of variables and factors that we can’t account for in this general advice – please give us a call on 0447 047 237, we are happy to discuss what option might work best for you.
We also appreciate that no matter what general advice we give, users will have their own preferences due to their unique circumstances. Those opinions are as valid as ours.
Remember: Both Cuddy™ and Cuddy™ Lite separate
solids and liquids, that is the most important thing. If you’re considering a travel toilet that does not separate, you will either have to use chemicals and a dump point, or you will be putting raw sewage into a bin or into the environment, please don’t do that.Our general advice is as follows:
Full time use: Cuddy™ - You will have to empty less often, it will generally be more “pleasant”, and no need for plastic bags.
Regular use: Cuddy™ - After each trip you don’t have to worry about emptying the solids bin and the composting process will just continue. We have gone for 6 months between emptying our solids bin.
Irregular use: Could go either way, a Cuddy™ for the reasons outlined above, or a Cuddy™ Lite if you don’t want to or are unable to continue composting between trips.
Once in a blue moon: Cuddy™ Lite – Likely you will want to get all your kit cleaned and put away for next time.
Away with a group of people all using your loo: Cuddy™ Lite – With heavy use over a short period very little composting will begin, and from our first-hand experience you will end up with a bin full of very fresh deposits that won’t be pleasant to empty.
If you can’t make a
decision, we suggest you go for the Cuddy™.If you have A Cuddy™ and an additional solids bin without an agitator, you will have a Cuddy™ and a Cuddy™ Lite in one unit. It is the most versatile, fully optioned, and most affordable travel toilet in the world. It can adapt to any install, or portable application you can throw at it.
You can turn a Cuddy™ into a Cuddy™ Lite, but you can’t turn a Cuddy™ Lite into a Cuddy™.
Cuddy™ is 414mm High x 384mm Wide x 427mm Deep.
Our hinges allow for the seat to open flush with a wall, so you do not have to leave any gap between Cuddy™ and a wall, saving you space.
As Cuddy's agitator is on the front you don't need to leave space on each side either, saving you more space!
Cuddy™ takes 12v to run the internal fan. We ship with the cable ready to be hard-wired into your 12V system.
If you want to move Cuddy™ around that's easy too. You can get a cig plug, or merit plug adaptor or even a USB to 12V cable with a 5.5 x 2.1mm plug from here. Cuddy™ will go anywhere. Cuddy™ is very efficient - draws about 0.2 amps.
You can also run Cuddy™ from 240v, you just need to get an adaptor like this one.
It is ok if Cuddy is not connected to power all the time. If you store Cuddy in one place while travelling it could go without power and use it where there is power, or vice versa.
For the "pee full" indicator Cuddy uses a 9v battery, you will need to supply that.
A carbon rich compost medium like hydrated coco coir, mini hemp, or wood shavings is all you need to get the composting process going. Just put the medium into the solids bin just covering the bottom of the agitator arms, and of you “go”!
No, composting toilets do not smell when used properly. They will not stink out your van, boat, tiny home, camper, or cabin. The composted material looks and smells earthy—like a forest floor. When emptying the loo, there is no unpleasant odour, unless you’re one of those rare folks that don’t like forest floors.
The carbon rich compost medium and aeration provides the perfect conditions for the microorganisms and good bacteria to do their job and break down your waste.
You don't have to vent Cuddy™ externally. If you are using it for weekends or shorter trips, using the internal filter and fan will be fine. Cuddy™ was built to be portable and flexible for varied installations and uses.
The possible result of not venting externally (either outside of your van or just directly out the back of Cuddy™) is you may get a build up of moisture. It depends on many variables.
The moisture itself is not a problem, it means that the compost is heating up (that's a good thing) and the air temperature outside of Cuddy™ is most likely colder than inside, that can cause condensation.
If you are travelling for extended periods, having some type of ventilation is ideal. There are many options Cuddy™ gives you for how to vent, depending on how you are installing and using the toilet. There are also some new retrofittable venting innovations on the way.
If you are venting externally make sure to get our fly screen and vent plug kit to stop any pesky flies making a home in your Cuddy™.
Have a look at this video to understand all there is to kjnow about venting Cuddy™.
Please get in touch if you have any questions and we can work out what will work best for you.
Many of our customers install Cuddy™ permanently in their van. Cuddy™ has 4 reinforced screw down points in the base for easy install.
We recommend that you vent Cuddy™ when you install permanently, it helps reduce excess moisture and breaks the solids down a bit more quickly.
Liquids Bottle
You will need to empty the liquids bottle each time it gets full, the "pee full" indicator will light up when it's time to empty.
Solids Bin
As a rule of thumb, our research and experience tells us that a couple will get between 2 to 3 weeks use out of the solids bin. There are obviously a number of variables that will impact that.
The more people you have using Cuddy™ the less time you will get out of the solids bin. There will be a tipping point where using a Cuddy™ Lite solids bin and a bag will be a better approach. With heavy use, the solids bin will fill up quickly. With little time for the composting process to really get going, and filling up quickly, it will be much more pleasant to use a compostable bag in a Cuddy™ Lite bin.
Make sure to add a layer of carbon rich material over each deposit if you are not using the agitator. Makes it much more pleasant for the next in line.
If possible, to continue the composting process and to reduce landfill, bury the waste appropriately or add it to your own compost pile.
If you bury it please be responsible. Ensure it is at lest 100 metres away from a water source or camp site and at least 250mm down.
Solids from composting toilets may also be put in a biodegradable bag and disposed of in a regular rubbish bin*.
Cuddy™ is specially designed to make this step as quick and easy as possible. Liquids from
composting toilets can be poured down a regular toilet or onto the nearest thirsty looking mature tree!* All waste should be disposed of according to local regulations, and with care and respect for the environment and the other people who enjoy it.
Emptying your composting toilet into a bigger composting toilet - at a National Park, say - will not do any harm to the larger toilet.
If you do, please ensure you are tidy and respectful of the facilities provided by the park.
There are many differing opinions about toilet paper. Should you or should you not put it in the compost? Do you need a special type?
For what it is worth we recommend where possible to try to keep it separate from the compost mix, it takes longer to break down and can fill up the solids bin more quickly.
We appreciate that might not always be possible for
whatever reason, so while any toilet paper will eventually break down, recycled single ply toilet paper seems to breakdown more quickly. -
We don't recommend this because food scraps will attract flies and other insects.
Not until it has fully finished composting which will take several months. While 'composting toilets' begin the composting process and reduce the volume of waste, the material needs additional time to kill off any bacteria and parasites. Joseph Jenkins has literally written the book on this - 'humanure handbook' and we would encourage any readers to refer to this as a reference